Photo: CAUW CEO, George Bell and TOP Founder/Executive Direct, Emily Chatelain
Last week, Capital Area United Way (CAUW) granted $75,000 to the continued relief and recovery work that TOP is doing in areas impacted by Hurricane Ida. Although Hurricane Ida hit over five months ago, our team has stayed in impacted communities. Why? Because the work is not finished. TOP works with communities in our regular after school and summer feeding programs in at-risk areas. We support youth living in some of the most challenging communities across Louisiana. When a crisis occurs in areas that are already challenged with issues like poverty, food insecurity, and safe shelter there is often more devastation and longer roads to recovery. With CAUW’s support, we are able to continue to work alongside partners and ALICE families in their 10 parish service area this spring. THANK YOU to our partners at CAUW.
Like CAUW, we believe in the power of leveraging partnerships in our communities to advance the common good. CAUW continues to support the ALICE population in the greater Capital Area and we are honored to be a contributor to their monumental efforts of ensuring all individuals have their basic needs met. Our Hurricane Ida relief and recovery efforts have been a success due to partnering with organizations who are creating real impact to the individuals who need it most. CAUW is a shining example of direct impact in the communities we serve together. We can’t wait to share updates on the positive outcomes that will come from the support of CAUW!
Photos highlight our volunteers, youth we serve, and Hurricane Ida staff hard at work!
TOP’s Hurricane Ida Relief Impact (year end 2021)
Since Hurricane Ida, Three O’clock Project (TOP) has stayed committed to supporting communities in impacted areas. We began relief efforts days after the storm to get food and activities to kids in impacted areas where power was out and schools were closed. We then grew our hunger relief effort by working alongside GOHSEP in eight impacted parishes. While maintaining core programs with partners in unaffected areas, we also distributed meals to affected communities immediately.
From September through December, our team distributed:
17,000 shelf stable meals
8,500 kid-friendly pantry bags
55,000 hot meals

Photo: Image taken outside of Pleasure Bend, LA during early relief efforts.
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